Become an FP insight Champion.

Contribute to a body of knowledge that benefits the whole FP/RH professional community.

FP insight is the first resource discovery and curation tool built by and for family planning and reproductive health (FP/RH) professionals. Here's how it works: You save and organize your favorite online resources to your personal FP insight collections. Others can see what you're saving and get inspiration for their FP/RH programs. Together, we're building a body of knowledge that benefits the whole FP/RH professional community.

FP/RH professionals describe FP insight as a tool that will "transform our FP interactions and take us to another level in our FP work."

Sign up for one of our interactive training sessions to learn more about FP insight and how to use its key features. By the end of the 1-hour training sessions, you will be on your way to becoming an FP insight champion! 

Choose the date and time that works best for you and click on the link to complete your registration for our live training sessions!


Live chat iconWe are also offering the chance to live chat with an FP insight staff member—directly on www.fpinsight.orgto ask questions and get quick support. Our live chat sessions will always be on Wednesdays but at different times to accommodate different time zones. 

Live chat sessions (No need to sign up for these. Just come to!)